One of the easiest ways to stop yourself from panicking is to get your mind onto something else. This is usually easier said than done, because it requires you to find something more interesting to you than the fact that you are terrified and feeling like your world is about…
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Panic Pointers #3: Make Some Noise
Throughout this blog I refer to the fear/adrenaline response. It is the “pseudo-wizard behind the curtain” of a good deal of our anxiety symptoms and I feel that learning about and coming to understand it, is one of the biggest things a person can do to help gain control of…
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Panic Pointers # 2: Fake It ‘Till You Make It
Most of us with anxiety disorders have pretty big imaginations. That is one of the reasons we have anxiety disorders in the first place. Our minds can create all kinds of dramatic scenarios for us to dwell on, obsess over and panic about – and I don’t think I need…
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