Quotes and inspirational sayings are a wonderful anxiety tool. Here are some of my favorites. Click image for a slideshow, then click to change slides.

You decide what your age means to you. Period. End of story.

Anxiety is a normal response. However, quite often and unknowingly, to ourselves AND our anxiety, the source of our anxiety becomes the anxiety itself. This is where the “disorder” part comes in. Always remember that anxiety is one of the good guys and refuse to look at it, or it’s symptoms, as your enemy. – AnnaLisa Scott

Anxiety cannot exist without your input. Remember that you are the one who sets the stage for anxiety to appear. Never allow your anxiety to be the boss. -AnnaLisa Scott

I was 43 years old when I found my “gift”….my passion..which is helping others recover from anxiety through my blog. I don’t care how old you are. We all have something we were meant to be doing with our lives to help us feel fulfilled and contribute to society. If you haven’t found yours yet, keep looking. Keep trying new things until you find something that not only are you good at, but it feels natural and “right” to do. You will know it when you find it. – AnnaLisa Scott

Property of Amy Marie Stadelmann

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